What if I meet an older lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with, and the people monitoring me in private are still distracting me and ruining her?
It seems people in New Orleans think they're better racially.
I figured it out. My aunt thinks like everyone else people are prejudiced against me for how old my dad is, and so she thinks I'll be reckless and the people monitoring me in private ruin my life if I show any physical sign of anger.
They ruined my life while they monitored me in private and said an older lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a relationship with will really get it.
What if an older lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with just believes I am in trouble and is punishing me?
They keep acting like I'm "just like everyone else" in a bad way like I lost to an older lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a relationship with.
They keep ruining it for me.
Boy, Orlando is making a big deal about something, like something bad happens to me.